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The Ski Resort Height Debate

Do we really need huge amounts of snow?

The Ski Resort Height Debate from Powder White. And is height all its cracked up to be?

Do we really need huge amounts of snow?

Over recent seasons, there are clear indications that we base our holiday search solely on resort height and the supposed better conditions this brings. But is this really the case? Do we honestly need neck-deep powder which, let’s face it, very few of us can actually ski supremely. How many times have we heard “I’d rather be in the *** office” when searching for a lost ski for hours on end?!

And is height all its cracked up to be?

Yes, snow is important. But so is the all-round holiday experience on your well-earned mountain escape with friends or family. What is the point of standing in lift queues, dodging multiple other skiers and skiing on worn pistes? We can’t help feeling that our obsession with resort height is becoming a stumbling block so perhaps we need to revisit some of those wonderful resorts whose snow record is no worse now than it has been in decades gone by. Take a look at this selection of leading resorts and judge for yourself:

Ski resorts are ski resorts, its as simple as that.

There will be incredible skiing wherever you go. There has to be! Resorts rely on tourism and they depend on skiing. If a resort has 40cm less snowfall over the course of whole ski season, is that really going to make a difference to your skiing holiday? No. It’s peak dates and crowds that make the difference so do please bear this in mind when choosing your next destination.

Try to give the old favourites some real thought – they offer a truly wonderful all-round experience with Alpine tradition and plenty of other stuff to do. You’ll be amazed at resorts’ dedication to moving with the times; including sustainability, eco-tourism and technology surrounding snow-making. Something that even Val Thorens has to do regularly!  

–We Recommend–

We’ve got a huge selection of resorts, chalets, apartments and hotels so why not contact us and we look forward to getting you on the slopes soon!

All the best,

The Ski Experts at Powder White

Oliver, Robyn, Laura, Sophie & Alex(ander!)

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