Learn to Ski? Not for me!

Said no-one. Ever.

You’re ready to hit the slopes and you won’t look back

Have you procrastinated for a while? Is every dread going through your mind; will I be fit enough; will it be cold; will I survive! As with most things in life, your first time does tend to be a bit awkward. But boy, is it worth it. And if you’re reading this, you’re probably on your way to making the best decision of your life. Although there’s a lot to look forward to, there’s also a bit to prepare. Don’t worry, here at Powder White we’ll do the thinking for you and get you on your way!

With skiing, the first time is arguably your best. Who can forget the excitement kicking in as you near resort, face glued to the window marvelling at the scale of the snowcapped peaks surrounding them. You will never understand quite how beautiful it is until you see it for yourself.

What to expect

As you waltz through customs and approach luggage collection with a smug grin on your face, your bags are the first on the carousel. You make your way to the transfer pick up point and your drive begins. Bizarrely, the driver’s taste in music is identical to yours. You and your friends/family jam out to some classics on the skyway highway while the mountains grow ever closer. Looking out the window you notice the views and you take in the most beautiful sight you have ever seen. And they just continue to get better until you reach the pinnacle, resort.

As you step off, you take a deep breath and realize your lifelong battle with asthma has come to an abrupt end. This is the clearest air you have ever breathed and you will savour every moment of it. You wander through the charming Alpine town which you so excellently chose and arrive at your accommodation. After filling your tummy, you cosy up and quickly fall asleep as excited as a child before Christmas.

The mountains are just about as stunning as it gets

The big first day

Morning arrives and with a skip in your step, you wander along to the ski hire shop to collect your equipment. The man speaks perfect English and informs you your voucher is not valid at this store. You turn towards your friends but before you reach 45-degrees the man breaks character and reveals his wry smile. The whole shop breaks into laughter as he presents you with pre-tuned equipment. As you (not quite so) effortlessly slip into it, your instructor walks into the shop to collect you.

Together, you walk towards the beginner slopes with trepidation. The instructor notices your unease and puts their arm round your shoulder whilst speaking words of encouragement. Your worries start to fade away. They then cover every tiny detail about the art of skiing with the confidence & charisma of a young Pierce Brosnan at the peak of his Bond days. You remember Golden Eye right? Meanwhile, you will be rigid as a board, your thighs will be burning and terror is taking over. It is though not long before the fear subsides, utter joy kicks in and the skis become your friend. Not a moment too soon, your instructor will glide off into the distance and you in turn head straight for the mountain restaurant for a well-earned beer.

Group lessons will have you laughing your heart out

And now you’re hooked

The remaining days will be spent frolicking about on the mountain, whizzing around on your skis with a grace usually reserved for the Olympic elite. Your ribs hurt from the laughter and the wine flows aplenty. You are completely smitten with the awesome surroundings the mountains bring.

And as your holiday comes to an end you don’t cry, you reminisce with friends about the best week of your life and as pen hits paper, your next ski holiday is pencilled in.


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