The Best Places to Eat in Andermatt

Andermatt is an off the radar resort, especially for the British market. For years it had a military garrison which saw the decline of the area as a ski destination. But that’s in the past and a £1.2 billion investment in Andermatt has put resort back on the map. Which is all well and good but where are the best places to eat in Andermatt, is the food any good? Or is it all eating out of mess tins – military style?

Maybe there should be an industrial style, swanky mess centre with notes towards Andermatts military past but with top-notch grub. A panoramic restaurant in an old mountainside military fort? Maybe they’re missing a trick or perhaps the traditional chalet-style buildings and delicious local delicacies are simply all you need to eat in Andermatt.

Here are our favourite restaurants in Andermatt:

Restaurant Ochsen

At the Andermatt Gurschen end of town, the Ochsen is about as traditional as it gets. Fantastic service and the cheesy aromas hit you as soon as you reach the door. Fondue is the speciality here and don’t forget to wash down the goodness with some schnapps (good digestive). Raclette is another cheesy alternative. The atmosphere is buzzing as it’s always busy. We’d definitely recommend booking in advance if you fancy it.

Ochsen Restaurant Andermatt

Gasthaus Tell

In the middle of the main street, the Gasthaus Tell serves up a mean rosti. It may seem like a strange meal choice, some claiming it as a glorified hash brown, but we urge you to try it here, it may be the best thing you eat in Andermatt! You won’t find a better place or selection of rostis – I think they have 13 variations though I could be wrong. Or the Cordon Bleu is a good alternative. But rosti and wine is the vibe here in an unassuming, friendly atmosphere you’ll love.

Gasthaus Tell Restaurant Andermatt

The Restaurant at The Chedi Andermatt

This is an Asian triumph of an eatery in the brand new Chedi hotel next to the train station. If you haven’t come across a Chedi before, you’re in for a treat with divine food and luxurious surroundings. When a place does exceptional basics you know you’re on to a winner, you only have to try the fried rice to realise this.

There are four different open studio kitchens to watch the food being artfully prepared.  and a buzzing atmosphere and the cheese and wine cellar is not to be missed. It’s a 14 GaultMillau point place which means excellent food but there is a smart casual dress code so don’t be turning up in shorts (though I doubt this is an issue mid-winter).

Chedi Restaurant Andermatt

Hotel Zur Sonne

Traditional fare at it’s finest, we’ve heard they haven’t changed the menu in 20 years, simply perfected it. But we can’t confirm this rumour. Alas, the no-frills, authentic nature of the food is the very definition of hearty and set in a beautiful wooden building with super friendly staff. What more could you ask for from a low key evening out?

Hotel Zur Sonne Restaurant Andermatt


We’ve left the Spycher till last as a simply great place. You’ll find posher places to eat in Andermatt and you certainly won’t find any Michelin stars here but you will get great pizza at a great price. The Calzone is great but the bar also has one of the liveliest atmospheres in the resort. A great spot for a post-ski beer and pizza. You can’t go wrong.

Spycher Restaurant Andermatt

There are our five favourite places to eat in Andermatt covering all budgets with tasty morsels and great atmospheres. If you fancy staying in Andermatt this winter give our ski experts a call or view our Andermatt Hotels online (it’s all bookable on the website).
