The Best Restaurants in Cortina d’Ampezzo

Looking for the best restaurants in Cortina this winter?

Let’s face it, food is a huge part of skiing. Yes the snow has to be good but if you find some great food it can really make your ski trip memorable. That’s why we’re picking out the best restaurants in Cortina so you don’t get stuck with any duds.

Cortina has a huge choice of eateries both on and off the slopes from super tasty pizzerias to Michelin-starred mega restaurants so there really is some great food for every budget. Here we’re looking at the best restaurants in town (not on the mountain) so without further ado I give you our favourite restaurants in Cortina d’Ampezzo:

Al Passetto (Pizzeria)

It’s easy to walk past this place or not even know it exists for that matter. It’s up above the main street on the other side of the road to the lift pass office and bus station. An unassuming simply decorated place that you probably wouldn’t peg to serve some of the best pizza in town.

Pizza is definitely what you come here for, it feels like a local place and is only small so you may be brushing elbows with your neighbour but the food speaks for itself. The fact that this is most hoteliers top recommendation for a quick bite speaks volumes.

pizzeria best restaurants in Cortina

Il Ponte

A more upmarket version of Al Passetto if great pizza is what you’re after. Plenty of wood in the decor creates a nice rustic feel and the buzzing atmosphere is certainly welcome. Il Ponte gets its place on the best restaurants in Cortina due to the wood-fired pizza oven alone but it also serves some great pasta dishes and reasonably priced wine.

il pont cortina restaurant


It has a buzzing vibe for apres ski but is also a fantastic restaurant sat just behind the Hotel Cortina on the main pedestrianised street. With huge legs of cured meats hanging up, it makes your mouth water stepping into the place. the Proscuttio is the show stopper but there are plenty more complex dishes on offer as well.

pasta making in cortina

Al Camin

Not actually in the main town, this beauty is a five-minute drive up into one of Cortina’s outer villages or suburbs if you like. It’s classic Italian dishes with some great modern twists and is popular with locals and tourists alike. The Wine cellar may well outdo the food with an excellent selection on offer.

You’ll have to book in advance for this one with many people rating it higher than the Michelin-starred option in town. It will most probably cap of your ski holiday in style and is arguably the best restaurant in Cortina.

al camin best restaurant in Cortina

Il Vizietto di Cortina

It might come at a surprise in the mountains but Il Vizietto di Cortina brings some wonderful seafood dishes to Cortina, though this is by no means the only thing on the menu. There’s braised suckling pig, veal cheek in red wine with polenta and the ravioli is excellent and the staff extremely helpful and welcoming. Polenta was not something high on our list to try but here it’s not the soggy, tasteless mush you’ve had before, they somehow turn it into something quite special.

restaurant in cortina, table

Now you know the best restaurants in Cortina you can’t go wrong with your food choices as long as you book in advance, especially for busy dates. Take a look at the best apres ski bars in Cortina if you fancy some laid back wineries. Or check out our accommodation in Cortina to find your perfect hotel.

