Chatel Childcare

Childcare in Chatel

Chatel is a great resort for children with lots of activities and some fantastic childcare options. Powder White doesn’t provide childcare or hold any responsibility for your childcare, but we can speak highly of the recommendation below.

Planning a family ski holiday? Take a look at our top tips for skiing with children.

The Mousflets Day Nursery

A professional team is welcoming your children aged 2 1/2 months to 3 years included. Meals are prepared on site and numerous activities and games are proposed to children regarding their age. 4 sleeping rooms will welcome the youngsters for siesta. During the winter season, the crèche is open 7 days a week, from 8 am to 7 pm. Please call between 1pm-3pm for further information. Phone: +33 (0)4 50 81 38 19

We hope you found Chatel Childcare Service post helpful.
