10 Incredible Top Tips For Nervous Flyers

You won’t believe how incredibly simple these tips for nervous flyers are!

With Powder White’s growing partnership with British Airways, we have managed to get in touch with Steven Allright, a full time 747 BA Captain who also helps individuals to overcome their fear of flying with these simple and free tips for nervous flyers.

©Nick Morrish

For 30 years now, Steven Allright developed a programme that has been providing “Flying with Confidence” courses for British Airways. He and his team have helped over 50,000 people and the feedback is phenomenal! Today, Steven is very kindly offering Powder White customers 10% off his incredible one day course.

Although driving to the Alps is a great option, we want our customers to feel confident and happy with arriving on a Powder White holiday.

Here is Steven’s exclusive Top Ten Tips For Nervous Flyers:

#10 – Turbulence

Remember that turbulence is uncomfortable but never dangerous. It is a perfectly normal part of flying caused by nature.

©Nick Morrish

#9 – Breathing

Learn to control your breathing. When you feel anxious, hold your breath, then a long deep breathe in, followed by a long deep breath out. Continue long deep breathing.


#8 – Muscle Contraction

Combine a deep breath in with a muscle contraction. Clenching your buttocks is most effective, as it overrides other nervous signals going up and down your spinal chord.

muscle contracation
©Daily Express

#7 – Aircrafts

Aircraft like to be in the air. They are designed to be in the air. Pilots and cabin crew like to be in the air also, it is a very normal, safe environment for them to be in.

British Airways
©British Airways

#6 – Understand lift

The wings enable aircraft to fly, not the engines. A commercial aircraft flying at 30,000ft can glide for 100 miles even if all the engines fail, which is extraordinarily

understand lift
©British Airways

#5 – Long Flights

Split a long flight up into half-hour sections. Go with a plan of things to do, perhaps things you never get round to. Write a letter, watch a film, read a book, eat a meal.

long haul flights
©British Airways

#4 – Testing

Pilots undergo a rigorous selection procedure and are the most highly trained and tested profession on earth. They are subjected to simulator tests every six months.

plane testing
©British Airways

#3 – Maintenance

Commercial aircraft are incredibly well maintained and are checked before every flight by pilots and engineers. Routine maintenance is conducted at regular, specified intervals by
licensed engineers.

plane testing
©British Airways

#2 – Strict Rules

Air traffic controllers are trained and licensed professionals operating under a very strict set of rules. All pilots have to abide by the rules of the air.

strick rules
©British Airways

#1 – Visualisation

Visualise yourself stepping off the aircraft into the arms of loved ones, or into a lovely warm ski chalet with canapes in one hand and a glass of champagne in another.

Speak to an expert

And finally, book yourself onto a British Airways Flying with Confidence course before you fly to the slopes this winter with 10% off! British Airways have offered Powder White customers 10% off this a one day course that addresses all of the above and much more in great detail to help you become a confident flyer so you can enjoy your holiday from the Airport and not just on the slopes.

Simply, reference Powder White when you enquire here. They’ll be happy to discuss your flying fears and answer any questions you may have.

Break the fear and fly with confidence.

discount code

British Airways Captain Steve Allright talks to passengers during the Flying With Confidence course, London Heathrow, UK, 11 February 2012
