Baked Mont d’Or Recipe


The most wonderful time of year when those avid skiers amongst us would ordinarily be feeling exhausted from the black run we’ve just conquered. We we would be gingerly striding across an slippery terrace in icy temperatures, our nose and toes tingling from the cold ready to reward ourselves with a gluhwein or two. Followed by a beautiful Savoyarde inspired raclette, tartiflette or cheese fondue congratulating ourselves on the achievements of the day.

Sadly Christmas 2020 in The Alps is not to be this year. So here at Powder White, we thought we’d bring a little bit of the mountains to you with this fantastic recipe for Baked Mont d’Or.

Ingredients (serves 4):

  • Allow 3-4 baby potatoes per person
  • 1 x 400g Mont D’or
  • 1 clove of Garlic (cut into thin slices)
  • 1 Teaspoon of Rosemary
  • 1 x Glass White Wine
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Gherkins & Baguette (optional)


  1. Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees (180 fan)
  2. Boil the potatoes until just soft and set aside, keeping warm.
  3. Remove lid from the Mont d’Or box and plastic wrap from the cheese. Make small cuts in the surface of the cheese and insert the garlic slices.
  4. Pour over the white wine and sprinkle over the rosemary, salt & pepper.
  5. Put the lid back onto the cheese and bake in the oven (uncovered) for 10-15 minutes until molten.
  6. Serve whilst still hot, dip in the potatoes and enjoy!

For a main course, why not add some wonderful cold meats and salad, accompanied a delicious chilled Vin de Savoie or Gamay.

Enjoy Everybody!
